Sunday, June 26, 2011

LETTER: Castalian Springs Under Attack

There is a battle shaping up in Castalian Springs.  On one side are the residents of the small, sleepy town of Castalian Springs who value their peace and quiet and rural lifestyle.  On the other side is the large corporation of Hoover Inc. who want to place a rock quarry, cement plants, asphalt plants, and rock crushing facility on about 350 acres in the heart of the town, and near some of the most significant historical sites in the State, such as Wynnewood, Bledsoe’s Fort, and Bate’s house.

This project would destroy the quality of life in this town.  It will also make State Road 25 a traffic-clogged, dangerous road. This project is totally wrong for this area, and I’m convinced, opposed to the Sumner County Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations. One would think it would never be approved, but the people behind the quarry have the money to hire the slick lawyers, and are motivated by large profits.  I only hope that residents of Castalian Springs can count on our Sumner County officials to do the right thing and give this project the boot.

 John Simons

Castalian Springs, TN

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