Who to Call

It's time to make our voices heard. Here are the numbers for the Zoning Board of Appeals who will be hearing the quarry application on July 14th, plus some number of elected officials who have a vested interest in protecting our historic Castalian Springs. As always, be respectful and polite, with your questions and comments.

Mark McKee, Jr. - Chairman - 452-4020
Bruce Rainey - Vice-Chairman - 822-0012
Sandy Webster - 452-6131
Don Dickerson - 826-3214
(James Cole will not serve.)
Richard Jones - 230-0506 Ext. 4
Marsh Ragland - 887-6970

Sumner County

Anthony Holt - County Executive - 452-3604 - aholt@sumnertn.org
David Satterfield - 3rd District Commissioner - 452-6166
Steve Graves - 3rd District Commissioner - 330-0688

State Representative

Mike McDonald
Office - 741-1980
Home - 888-3081

State Senator
Kerry Roberts
Office - 741-1999

U.S. Representative
Diane Black
Gallatin Office - 206-8204


Tracy Brown said...

Hello from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I suspect the good folks of Castalian Springs are about to find out first hand why it is a bad idea to elect Republicans to public offices. All of them will be for the quarry company and against the people of Castalian Springs. Some will pretend to be for you with one hand and sell you out with the other one behind your back.

It is just as Timothy said, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." (I Timothy 6:10). Bottom Line: The standard policy of the Republican Party (particularly the new breed) is that money is always more important than people. This is just a friendly warning to "watch your back sides" as you go forward with your fight against the quarry.

I am an archaeologist and something of a historian who deeply appreciates the unique prehistory and history of Castalian Springs and the extraordinary concentration of it in this one small area. Putting a quarry in this location is an especially bad choice, considering that Ordovician limestone underlies the entire Nashville Basin, which means there are many sites better than this one.

If I were the CEO of the quarry company, I would be having a very serious meeting with the personnel responsible for siting this facility---with pink slips on standby.

Bruce Hicks said...

Tracy keep your political bullshit to yourself. This kind of crap has no place on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Tracy is right on.

Too bad those Repubs who are always claiming how "Godly" they are, refuse to take to heart the plainly spoken words of I Timothy 6:10.

That said, Nashville has a new breed of Dems who have the same problem.

Tracy Brown said...

With all due respect Bruce, I am simply pointing out a reality of which the people of Castalian Springs need to be aware in the course of this fight. No matter what one's personal politics might be, the NEW Republican Party of today is radically different from the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eishenower, Gerald Ford, and our own Howard Baker Jr. (all very good men). It has been taken over by radical right wing extremists who are sold out to private sector business interests and care very little for the average person in Castalian Springs. Corporate money talks... and they listen. People talk...and they go suddenly and inexplicably deaf. In Castalian Springs, your first job will be to buy them a hearing aid. Then you will be able to talk to them about the quarry. And like I said:

"Watch your back side."

Anonymous said...

I agree about keeping the politics out of this. It's a distraction. There are lots of good Republicans and Democrats out here who are putting that aside and uniting as neighbors against this quarry. Let's keep it that way.

Tracy Brown said...

Okay. We can keep it that way, and I will not mention politics anymore after this post. However, you cannot say that you have not had a fair warning.

When the quarry is up and running, I will get the final financial disclosure sheets for all of the incumbent candidates and publish copies of them for you in some media venue.

Anonymous said...

Is Sandy Webster related to the owners of Webster Trucking Company? As many locals know, Webster Trucking is a local company which hauls dirt and gravel and will probably benefit from the proprosed quarry. Anyone with the potential to personaly benefit should not be voting on this issue.

Tracy Brown said...

I do not know if she is or not. One could also argue that John Garrott would be against the quarry to keep a cement competitor out of town. However, as we all know, John's dedication to the prehistory and history of Castalian Springs far surpasses any such imagined motives. Therefore, I think we should give the zoning board a reasonable chance and assume the best until their behavior says otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear child. In the beginning John Garrott was MUM because his son would benefit from good pricing on rock from the quarry. When it was found out about the cement plant as part of the whole operation--which would be in direct competition, John jumped ship. Fair weather preservationist....

Anonymous said...

Sandy Webster is the widow of Ralph Webster who owned Webster's Excavating. I assume it is hers now.

Tracy Brown is correct. Don't expect any help from the Republican elected officials. They ALWAYS choose money over people.

Anonymous said...

A clear conflict exits if Sandy Webster or her family is connected with Webster Trucking. All public officials are human and can be swayed by such an intrest either for or against the quarry. Tom Garrot would also have a conflict of intrest, but he is not on the Board. As public officials, anyone voting on an issue with possible coflict of intrest should abstain.
Forget the politics and bring back ethics to goverment!!!

Houston Mason said...

Anonymous, Why do you hide? Are you afraid of something? I think you just might be a Hoover thug trying to divide and conquer.

Tracy Brown said...

That was one of my chief concerns too. I was pleased to see Mark McKee's name on the zoning board, then I realized that he would have to recuse himself from the process, or it would open a doorway a mile wide for Hoover's lawyers to drive through. Recuse or not, they can even argue in court that his mere presence on the board and his relationship with the other board members necessarily affords him undue prejudicial influence in a single direction against Hoover---and "doggone it your Honor---hit just ain't fair!!!"

I can hear it now, and I bet you can too.

Jan T. said...

I'd like to see Mike Wolfe of "American Pickers" (History Channel) and the Antique Archaeology store in the Marathon building in Nashville get involved in helping the Stop The Quarry cause. He is always talking about preserving historical sites. Has anyone contacted him?

Anonymous said...

please stop with the politics, I vote dem or repub, wjoever i feel is the best for the job. tracy there are crooks in both parties and you know it. I worked in the hospital with Diane Black, she puts people first now and she did then. This is a matter of this community. And remember the DEMOCRATIC party is not the same as it was back then either. They are turning to socialism, which is against what this country fought and stood for. I love this community i moved here 22 years ago and i do think the peoples voices will be heard. i choose to think positive and not negative as you do. This is our fight , not yours considering your in Oask ridge, but thank you for your insight.

Tracy Brown said...

Madame. My family goes back more than 200 years in Sumner County. My parents lived in Sumner County all of their lives. I grew up in Sumner County and graduated from Gallatin Senior High School in 1971. I have archaeological research interests in the Castalian Springs area that are underway right now. How dare you tell me that I am some sort of outsider with respect to my ancestral home soil? As you might guess, "I moved here 22 years ago" does not mean very much in my book. Perhaps you should consider lightening up a bit, or get the $#%#@ out of my home county.

Anonymous said...

Can't you good folks stay focused on the quarry without having petty problems with each other! Unite and get rid of this terrible Company coming to your wonderful area.